Hope is the only thing stronger than Fear.

Greetings on behalf of Pratheeksha.

Yes! We, at Pratheeksha desires to instill that HOPE in everyone who reaches us in the midst of probably the “worst time” of their lives. We guide them in the right direction, thus helping find out the right solution.
Pratheeksha Counselling Centre was established in 2018 with the aim to offer counselling services in the community through well trained professional counsellors. This professional team is our pillar of strength. Since its inception, Pratheeksha has been able to provide quality counselling services to children, adolescents, adults, couples and families. Amidst this highly life changing situation all around us, we all are in need of some positivity to hold on, or may be someone to just hear us, or even get some expert suggestions on our personal issues. No matter what, we have a solution for it all…We aim at providing unique services for the personal growth, emotional, behavioral and relationship problems. We help children, adolescents, young adults and families to resolve psychological problems and improve their quality of life. In the midst of your present circumstances and challenges, we provide backing to with care and compassion. It is through this strong relational connection that you become empowered to move ahead in healthy, happy and spirited ways.
When a child’s social and emotional issues and psychological distress are left untreated, it can negatively impact his/her educational aspirations and developmental milestones. Child counselors perform many services to the young and vulnerable minds. Most importantly, these professionals have the know-with-all to help your child receive the help he/she needs to resolve his/her issues and resume a healthy and productive life. It is important to understand that children, who are suffering from mental health issues or psychological distress, may not share these concerns with their parents. This is where a child counsellor can play a major role.
Therefore, the aim of child counselors is to help children better interpret the issues they are experiencing and/or the trauma that occurred – in a way they can process and understand. More importantly, it can cause delays that persist well into adulthood. Keep in mind, however, that children of all ages, from toddlers and preschoolers to teens and adolescents, can benefit from counseling sessions.
Ultimately, this form of counselling aims to help children work through their emotions, so they can live normal healthy lives without the lasting effects of fear, confusion, anxiety, or trauma. The good news is that, you can play an important part in your child’s mental health simply being observant.
Lets handle these soft minds with ultimate love and care and bring out the best in them.
Last but not the least, What makes your experience with Pratheeksha different, is the respect that we have for you and how we protect your confidentiality. The quality of our services is further upheld by affiliating and adhering to the ethical guidelines.

Dr. Ruble Joseph, M.Div., DCPC, M.Th, M.Phil, Ph.D
Managing Director & Family Counsellor